8333 Clayton Road | Harbor Springs, MI 49740 | (231) 347-7859

Welcome Transfer Students!
HLCS invites students and families to enroll after the beginning of the current school year. We recognize this can be a very stressful time for your family. The decision to switch schools for your child can be very difficult. Our goal is to help you eliminate the stress and anxiety involved when switching schools.
After your initial contact, we would encourage you to schedule a time to meet Mrs. Dutcher, our Principal, during the school day as she would love to share the heart and mission of HLCS along with taking you on a tour of our school. By meeting during the school day, you will have an opportunity to witness HLCS in action, providing you with real life experiences, which in turn will help you to decide if HLCS is the right fit for your family.
Also, we recommend for your child(ren) to visit the school for a few hours, or even better, for a whole day! We would pair them with a student of the same gender and grade helping them to feel connected to their peers. HLCS teachers and staff love to have visitors, and they will be prepared to welcome your child(ren) into their classroom activities, along with any other co-curricular activities taking place the day of your visit. Our goal with the visit is for your child(ren) to feel love and acceptance just as the Lord loves and accepts us when we ask Him to be part of our lives.
Each year, new students and their families chose HLCS as their new school home. Our experience with new students is they have quickly adopted HLCS as their new school home. Within days it seems like they have attended HLCS for an extended period of time as they receive love and acceptance and in turn are showing love and acceptance. We encourage you to consider HLCS as your school home and look forward to hearing from you!
Please contact Kelly Dutcher, our Principal, with any questions at 231-347-7859 or kdutcher@harborlight.org.